Ogh aye! Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland! I been working up here for the last week or so, hence less time to blog away my random rambles. (yeah yeah I hear you say, any excuse!)
Edinburgh is a lovely city, really historical and quaint, doesn't really feel like a city, more like a big town. The weather is surprisingly good, definately not as cold as London right now.
Anyway, not a great deal else going on in my life at the moment. Slowly getting back into the swing of things... work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. What can you do?
Well go out more on the weekend for a start! Had a really good weekend just gone. Went for some drinks on Saturday for Kiki's birthday in a cool bar in Hanover Grand. Kinda strange atmosphere because it was run by a Chinese guy, so it had dice games, but was also in Hanover, so had loads of posh rich kids! Pics due soon, just need to vet a few of them out!
So what's next on the horizon for me? Good question and I'm not really sure. I suppose I have to work to pay off debts run up during travels, but what is there to look forward to? Well some thoughts are:
- go on a drift school day (i.e. you spend the day being a hooligan in a sports car)
- go on a weekend break with Ellen's cousins
- look out for cheap tix to Hong Kong this Xmas.
- clear up the house of all my old clothes and crap built up over the years (the house is stuffed with rubbish as the moment, lucky we have a big shed!)
exciting stuff huh? Oh well...